Free Webinar: United States and New Jersey: A Hemp Outlook
This year started off with a loud bang for the hemp industry. The Murphy Administration put an emphasis in 2019 in getting hemp farming up and running in 2020. In fact, NewJersey became the third state in the country to get their hemp program approved by the USDA.
And then…well the same thing that is impacting every other industry right now is having an impact on NJ’s hemp launch as well.
To address that and more, we put together a panel of experts to address the global, U.S. and local hemp market and how things are evolving.
Panelists include:
Ron Conyea, Owner-Operator, Conyea Farms in Hickory, Kentucky
Doug Edge, Senior VP Business Solutions, Farm Journal- Aimpoint Research
Brett Goldman, VP Government and Industry, Gencanna Global
Marielle Weintraub, Ph.D, President, US Hemp Authority.